Saturday, August 31, 2013

Mission Complete

6:27 a.m. and we’re pulling up for our final docking on our way too early trade run. I had planned out an hour to pick up everything that our market analyst had purchased previously, and had to make some small adjustments to grab some merchandise that’s easier to find in low security space than anywhere else, worth it as it makes the margins magical.

 We got a little flak from locals in one of the trade hubs and took a few shots across the bow, but nothing this little beast can’t handle. Thank Spaghetti for such wonderful toys like the blockade runner. This doesn’t make you immune to dead, just makes it easier to avoid if you can pilot it correctly.

 I’m continuing my run on T3 subs for now, we are making bank off of these bad boys and in addition I have accumulated enough in my personal stock to build two different racial T3’s and only need about 5 days of training to get in both of them and be able to run all the goodies efficiently.

 That’s the one thing I didn’t grasp very well when I was first born, you may be able to fly a certain ship, but should you?

 It will be a somewhat uneventful day today, barring any mischievous endeavors tonight as it is Friday :) who knows where we will end up tonight? I'll be playing the 21st centry Earth game all day, I honestly don't know why I still subscribe when the real world and it's space ships and crazy mix of people are so much more interesting. Eh, once a gamer always a gamer...